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Old 01-06-2005, 11:30 AM
maarten's Avatar
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Checkerboard blanket

Checkerboard blanket, allows for a blanket or a type using two alternating props. Copy the script from the script section: This is an ON OUTCHAT Script. It has to be placed in your Palace Clients "cyborg.ipt" file in the ON OUTCHAT section. Use Notepad, or plain text editors Like Ultraedit or BBedit for this. Wordprocessors will damage scripts. For more information on editing your Cybrog.ipt, please check the Palace Planet HELP section. After installing type: cb [, ] <- If a 2nd propname is given it will blanket with a checkerboard effect. (don't forget to RELOAD scripts from the file menu of your client)

;cb blanket by Hex, concept by Zombie Woof - http://hex.palaceplanet.net/
;Usage: cb <propname>[, <propname2>] <- If a 2nd propname is given it will blanket with a checkerboard effect
	{	prp2 GLOBAL "$1" GREPSUB prp1 = 
		{ "$1" GREPSUB prp1 = "$2" GREPSUB prp2 = } { prp1 prp2 = } prp1 "(.*), (.*)" GREPSTR IFELSE
		CLEARLOOSEPROPS 0 nx = 0 ny =
		{	{ 44 nx = } { 0 nx = } nx 528 == IFELSE
			{ prp1 nx ny ADDLOOSEPROP 88 nx += } { nx 512 < } WHILE
			44 ny +=
		} { ny 384 < } WHILE
			44 nx = 0 ny =
			{	{ 0 nx = } { 44 nx = } nx 572 == IFELSE
				{ prp2 nx ny ADDLOOSEPROP 88 nx += } { nx 512 < } WHILE
				44 ny +=
			} { ny 384 < } WHILE
		"" CHATSTR =
	} CHATSTR "^cb (.*)$" GREPSTR IF
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