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Windows Palace Server 4.4 Manual

Palace Command Summary

The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords):

Guest commands

The following table lists The Palace guest commands.

Guest Commands Syntax Description
help `help Displays all special commands available to your user class, in the Log window
page ~page message Summons help from an operator

Member commands

The following table lists The Palace member commands.

Member Commands Syntax Description
add 'add username Sends an invitation to the user to join your buddy list.
hide `hide on
`hide off
Hides you from all other users
Unhides you from all other users
hidefrom `hidefrom name Hides you from user name
mute `mute name Mutes user name
newroom `newroom
`newroom [roomName]
Creates your member room (one per user)
Creates your member room as roomName
page `page message
~page message
Summons help from an operator
password `password password Specifies a password for navigation purposes
rclose `rclose Closes your member room to further visitors
rdelete `rdelete Deletes your member room
`re message
`respond message
Replies to the last sender of an ESP message
rejectesp `rejectesp on
`rejectesp off
Rejects all incoming ESP messages
Stops rejecting ESP messages
rejectprivate `rejectprivate on
`rejectprivate off
Rejects all incoming private messages
Stop rejecting private messages
rguests `rguests on
`rguests off
Allows guests to enter your member room
Prohibits guests from entering your member room
rhide `rhide on
`rhide off
Hides your member room from the Room List
Unhides your member room from the Room List
rkick `rkick name Kicks name out of your member room
rname `rname roomName Renames your member room as roomName
ropen `ropen Opens your member room to visitors
rowner `rowner name Transfers ownership of your member room to user name
rpainting `rpainting on
`rpainting off
Enables painting in your member room
Disables painting in your member room
rpassword `rpassword [password] Password-protects your member room
rpicture `rpicture filename Sets new background for your member room
rscripts `rscripts on
`rscripts off
Enables scripts in your member room
Disables scripts in your member room
runhide `runhide Same as `rhide off
runkick `runkick name Cancels an `rkick command
unhide `unhide Same as `hide off
unhidefrom `unhidefrom name Unhides you from user name
unmute `unmute name Unmutes user name

Operator commands

The following table lists The Palace operator commands.

operator Commands Syntax Description
autoannounce `autoannounce message Sets the server greeting to message
banip `banip [minutes] ipAddress Bans one or more IP addresses for minutes. May use wildcards (i.e.: 12.24.23.*).
banlist `banlist [-k] [-a] [name|ipAddress] Shows banned users in log window
banuser `banuser [minutes] name Bans user name for minutes
bots `bots on
`bots off
Turn cyborgs on server-wide
Turn cyborgs off server-wide
comment `comment ipAddress message Adds a comment to a banlist
death `death minutes Set default death penalty to minutes
delete `delete Deletes the current room
duplicate `duplicate Duplicates the current room
er `er Moves you to the room of the last (non-operator) page
extend `extend string minutes Extends the death penalty on a ban record
flood `flood number Kill flooders after number events per second
gag `gag name Gags user name
glist `glist [-n|-k|-l] Lists information on all users
kill `kill [minutes] name Kills (disconnects) user name for minutes
list `list [-n|-k|-l] [name|ipAddress] Lists information on room users
paint `paint on
`paint off
Turns painting on server-wide
Turns painting off server-wide
pin `pin name Pins user name
propgag `propgag name Propgags member name
purgebanlist `purgebanlist Purges elapsed ban records
purgeprops `purgeprops number Purges all props older than number days
repage `repage message Sends message to the last (non-operator) page
roommaxguests `roommaxguests number Sets the max guest occupancy for the current room
roommaxocc `roommaxocc number Sets the max occupancy for the current room
sortprops `sortprops Sorts the server's prop file index
track `track [minutes] name Tracks all sign-ons from user name for minutes
trackip `trackip [minutes] ipAddress Tracks all sign-ons from ipAddress. May use wildcards (i.e.: 12.24.23.*).
unban `unban name
`unban ipAddress
Unbans user name
Unbans user from ipAddress
ungag `ungag name Ungags user name
unpin `unpin name Unpins user name
unpropgag `unpropgag name Unpropgags member name
untrack `untrack name
`untrack ipAddress
Stops tracking user name
Stops tracking user from ipAddress

The owner commands

The following table lists The Palace owner commands.

owner Commands Syntax Description
authoring `authoring on
`authoring off
Allows operators to enter Authoring Mode
Prevents operators from entering Authoring Mode
ban `ban name Permanently banishes name from the server
botkill `botkill on
`botkill off
Allows cyborg scripts to kill
Prevents cyborg scripts from killing
chatlog `chatlog on
`chatlog off [filename]
Enables chat logging on the server
Disables chat logging on the server
custom `custom on
`custom off
Enables custom props on the server
Disables custom props on the server
defaultroomocc `defaultroomocc number Sets the default room occupancy
downlist `downlist number Moves the current room number positions down in the script file
dropzone `dropzone Makes the current room a dropzone (front gate)
godpass `godpass password Sets the owner password to password
guests `guests on
`guests off
Enables guest access to the server
Prevents guest access to the server
killprop `killprop propID Kills a specific prop ID
maxocc `maxocc number Sets the maximum server occupancy
memberrooms `memberrooms on
`memberrooms off
Allows members to create member rooms
Prohibits creation of member rooms
nowhisper `nowhisper on
`nowhisper off
Disables whispering
Enables whispering
passwordsecurity `passwordsecurity Enables password security (auto-kills after three failed password attempts)
picdir `picdir path Sets the source directory for outbound files to path
playerkill `playerkill on
`playerkill off
Allows members to kill
Prohibits killing by members
propcontrol `propcontrol on `propcontrol off `propcontrol userlevel Restricts who can introduce new props into your Palace.
purgelimit `purge number
`purgelimit number
Sets the purge limit to number days
Same as `purge number
recycle `recycle [number] Causes guest ID numbers to recycle at number
servername `servername string Sets the servername to string
shutdown `shutdown Shuts down the server
spoof `spoof on
`spoof off
Allows members to spoof using @x,y commands
Prohibits spoofing
uplist `uplist number Moves the current room number positions up in the script file
wizardkill `wizardkill on
`wizardkill off
Allows operators to kill
Prohibits killing by operators
wizards `wizards on
`wizards off
Enables support for operators
Disables support for operators
wizardsonly `wizardsonly on
`wizardsonly off
Sets the current room as operator only
Removes operator-only setting
wizpass `wizpass password Sets the operator password to password