ROOM ID 94 NAME "Prop Generator" PICT "pal38.gif" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 56 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 56 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 NAME "Next" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 398,4 500,4 500,41 398,41 LOC 479,13 SCRIPT ON SELECT { cmd GLOBAL "next" cmd = 1 4 SETALARM } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 NAME "Reset" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 406,57 508,57 508,96 406,96 LOC 486,66 SCRIPT ON SELECT { cmd GLOBAL "reset" cmd = 1 4 SETALARM } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 NAME "Previous" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 7,6 168,6 168,42 7,42 LOC 36,15 SCRIPT ON SELECT { cmd GLOBAL "prev" cmd = 1 4 SETALARM } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 4 NAME "alarm" OUTLINE 235,4 250,4 250,15 235,15 LOC 242,9 SCRIPT ON ALARM { [ "958703651 958703668 958703674" "958958815" "958958805" "958958773" "958958837" "957247021" ] thearray = thearray length noarray = x1 GLOBAL cmd GLOBAL { "There are " noarray ITOA + " avatars in this room." + statusmsg { "use 'rew' and 'forward' to select the ones you like" statusmsg } 60 ALARMEXEC -1 x1 = 60 400 RANDOM + gotox = 60 200 RANDOM + gotoy = { i++ gotox POSX - 10 / POSX + newx = gotoy POSY - 10 / POSY + newy = newx newy SETPOS } { i 30 < } WHILE } cmd "init" == IF { x1 ++ { 0 x1 = } 1 x1 + noarray > IF "Now showing: avatar " 1 x1 + itoa + "/" + noarray itoa + logmsg thearray x1 get xpropo = "[" xpropo + "] SETPROPS" + xpropo = xpropo STRTOATOM EXEC } cmd "next" == IF { x1 -- { noarray 1 - x1 = } x1 0 < IF "Now showing: avatar " 1 x1 + itoa + "/" + noarray itoa + logmsg thearray x1 get xpropo = "[" xpropo + "] SETPROPS" + xpropo = xpropo STRTOATOM EXEC } cmd "prev" == IF { "Resetting Buttons to Start" logmsg naked -1 x1 = } cmd "reset" == IF } ;ON ENTER { ;x1 GLOBAL ;cmd GLOBAL ;"init" cmd = ;1 x1 = ;1 me SETALARM } ON SELECT { "Original script by Sting." statusmsg {"'next' and 'prev' scripting by" statusmsg } 120 ALARMEXEC { "You can use this script as long as this message stays intact" statusmsg } 240 ALARMEXEC { "by the way, it's no use clicking here !" statusmsg } 360 ALARMEXEC } ;get your avatar ids routine, by Foxy- say "avids