ROOM ID 706 DROPZONE NAME "Menus and SubMenus" PICT "pal47.gif" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 OUTLINE 485,5 505,5 505,24 485,24 LOC 377,101 SCRIPT ;menus and submenus script by Glide ON ENTER { "Type 'menu' and look in your log window for a list of helpful commands." LOCALMSG } ON OUTCHAT { ;main menu { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** MAIN MENU ***" "" "type 'topic1' for menu items regarding topic1" "type 'topic2' for menu items regarding topic2" "type 'topic3' for menu items regarding topic3" "type 'topic4' for menu items regarding topic4" ] FOREACH "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "menu" == IF ;submenu 1 { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** TOPIC 1 MENU ***" "" "To access items in the Topic1 Menu:" "" "type 'command1' for information regarding command1" "type 'command2' for information regarding command2" "type 'command3' for information regarding command3" ] FOREACH "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "topic1" == IF ;submenu 1 actions { "Action for command1, topic1 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command1" == IF { "Action for command2, topic1 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command2" == IF { "Action for command3, topic1 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command3" == IF ;submenu 2 { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** TOPIC 2 MENU ***" "" "To access items in the Topic2 Menu:" "" "type 'command4' for information regarding command4" "type 'command5' for information regarding command5" "type 'command6' for information regarding command6" ] FOREACH "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "topic2" == IF ;submenu 2 actions { "Action for command4, topic2 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command4" == IF { "Action for command5, topic2 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command5" == IF { "Action for command6, topic2 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command6" == IF ;submenu 3 { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** TOPIC 3 MENU ***" "" "To access items in the Topic1 Menu:" "" "type 'command7' for information regarding command7" "type 'command8' for information regarding command8" "type 'command9' for information regarding command9" ] FOREACH "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "topic3" == IF ;submenu 3 actions { "Action for command7, topic3 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command7" == IF { "Action for command8, topic3 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command8" == IF { "Action for command9, topic3 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command9" == IF ;submenu 4 { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** TOPIC 4 MENU ***" "" "To access items in the Topic4 Menu:" "" "type 'command10' for information regarding command10" "type 'command11' for information regarding command11" "type 'command12' for information regarding command12" ] FOREACH "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "topic4" == IF ;submenu 4 actions { "Action for command10, topic4 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command10" == IF { "Action for command11, topic4 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command11" == IF { "Action for command12, topic4 appears here." LOCALMSG "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "command12" == IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 2 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 705 OUTLINE 4,354 62,354 62,380 4,380 LOC 33,366 PICTS 1,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDDOOR DOOR ID 3 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 280 OUTLINE 448,354 508,354 508,379 448,379 LOC 480,368 PICTS 2,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC } ON ENTER { { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR ENDROOM