ROOM ID 203 NAME "RealAudio Demo..." PICT "dw1.gif" ARTIST "Cid" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "infobutt.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 3 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 411,80 450,80 450,102 411,102 LOC 322,176 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "" NETGOTO } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 348,103 509,103 509,126 348,126 LOC 381,199 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "" NETGOTO } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 433,355 508,355 508,380 433,380 LOC 472,369 PICTS 1,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON SELECT { { "@450,175 Hi, I'm Cid and this is an example of streaming RealAudio in the Palace..." SAY } 10 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 The artwork is the cover from my CD, \"The Dragon's Waltz...\"" SAY } 690 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Click on the title above to launch RealAudio..." SAY } 1200 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 your browser will open and play the title track..." SAY } 1700 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 It requires you have RealAudio setup on your browser..." SAY } 2300 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 If you don't have RealAudio or if you want to hear more of my CD..." SAY } 2800 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Click on my name where you'll find a link to" SAY } 3300 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 and a few more of the songs from my CD... :)" SAY } 3800 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 To set it up, encode a RealAudio file and save it as \"filename.rm\"..." SAY } 4500 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Upload the .rm file to your web page space..." SAY } 5100 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Create a \"metafile\" in a text editor that contains the URL and" SAY } 5700 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 and name it \"filename.ram\"... upload it to your web page space too..." SAY } 6400 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 In a room in your palace, add the NETGOTO script found in the title door" SAY } 7100 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Of course, change the URL of my song to be the URL of your RealAudio clip" SAY } 7600 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 It should work if your RealAudio plugin is setup right..." SAY } 8200 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 If you have any questions, email the Scriptbarn list..." SAY } 8800 ALARMEXEC { "@450,175 Good luck and enjoy..." SAY } 9500 ALARMEXEC } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 4 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 140 OUTLINE 6,5 60,5 60,24 6,24 LOC 32,14 PICTS 2,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDDOOR DOOR ID 5 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 182 OUTLINE 454,4 508,4 508,23 454,23 LOC 482,13 PICTS 3,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC } ON ENTER { { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR ENDROOM