ROOM ID 168 NAME "Prop Classroom" PICT "prpclas3.gif" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 56 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 56 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 128,281 178,281 178,317 128,317 LOC 50,230 SCRIPT ON ENTER { "@490,49 This room is for the purpose of helping people to learn to make their own props for use in the Palace.There is also more detailed information available from our wizards here, and by clicking on the more info link in this room,you will be sent ." LOCALMSG "@490,49 to our web page where there is more detailed instruction available .We hope this room is usefull to you . And most of our wizards are excellent prop makers themselves.They will be very happy to help you so just ask if you need more assistance" LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 9,6 68,6 68,31 9,32 LOC 137,102 SCRIPT ON SELECT{ "@490,49 To begin making props you will need a graphics program PSP , Adobe Photo ,and Corel Photo are all very suitable for making props.Once you have found a picture from the web or scanned a picture, you can make an av from it." LOCALMSG "@490,49 By using your graphics program you can resize your picture to no larger then 132 by 132 pixels.That is the largest av size allowed . And you should apply the custom palace pallette to your picture to get the best color possible in Palace " LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 75,7 154,7 154,33 75,33 LOC 32,103 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "@490,49 Your prop bag is where the tiles that make up your props are stored.If you click on options , then prop menue,your bag will come on the screen for you.From your prop bag you can access the edit screen by clicking on any tile and then click edit." LOCALMSG "@490,49 You can then edit the tile that shows in the edit box by using the tools that are there " LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 4 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 161,9 238,9 241,33 161,32 LOC 289,105 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "@490,49 The first thing you will need to do is to remove the background from your prop To do this , click on the eraser and hold down the Alt key on your keyboard. This will give you a fill tool , just click on the background in your tile, this will." LOCALMSG "@490,49 remove the background from your tile.You may also want to remove the ball head by clicking on the word head at the bottom of the edit box. You can then make any other changes to your prop that you like by using the other tools in the edit box." LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 5 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 246,10 301,9 301,32 246,32 LOC 201,106 SCRIPT ON SELECT{ "@490,49 Using the tools in the edit box you can draw, erase, and cut and move sections of your tile.You can also animate and make your prop look like a ghost. to choose a color to draw with , simply click on the pencil, and move your curser over the." LOCALMSG "@490,49 colors in the box and you are ready to draw on your tile. To make your tile look like a ghost , just click on the word ghost at the bottom of the edit box. To resize your pencil just click on the box showing three diagonal lines" LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 6 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 312,8 417,8 417,35 313,35 LOC 289,104 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "@490,49 There are some other things you can do with yuor tiles too. You can flip them horizontally and even vertically. To do this while in the edit box hold down the shift, cntrl, and alt keys on your keyboard and then press the h key ." LOCALMSG "@490,49 This will flip your tile horizontally. To flip your tile vertically follow the same proceedure as above but press the v key instead of the h key." LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 7 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 430,9 505,9 506,36 431,36 LOC 377,105 SCRIPT ON SELECT{ "@490,49 To animate your tiles is very simple. just make a duplicate of your tile , using the dupe button in the prop bag screen. Then change the tile to the look that you want the motion to look like." LOCALMSG "@490,49 Click the animate button on all of the tiles you want to show motion.After trying this a few times you will be able to create avs with realistic looking movement in them. " LOCALMSG } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 8 DONTMOVEHERE SHOWFRAME OUTLINE 403,347 496,347 496,375 403,375 LOC 449,361 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { "" gotourl } 50 ALARMEXEC } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR DOOR ID 9 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 167 OUTLINE 9,299 63,299 63,321 9,321 LOC 36,310 PICTS 1,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDDOOR DOOR ID 10 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 281 OUTLINE 450,299 504,299 504,321 450,321 LOC 477,310 PICTS 2,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC } ON ENTER { { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR ENDROOM