ROOM ID 154 NOPAINTING NOCYBORGS NAME "Propola 2" PICT "Empty-Prop-2.gif" ARTIST "Wolf Al/script Barn" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "zn0.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "zn1.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 3 NAME "zn2.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 4 NAME "zn3.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 5 NAME "zn4.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 6 NAME "zn5.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 7 NAME "zn6.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 8 NAME "zn7.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 9 NAME "zn8.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 10 NAME "zn9.gif" TRANSCOLOR 181 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 14 NAME "buttonbarcolor.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 15 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 16 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 NAME "Basic Scripts" OUTLINE 4,5 20,5 20,17 4,17 LOC 128,96 SCRIPT ; This script was written by Tandika Star. ; Email: ; Palace: ON ENTER { ; Set up a counter to track which AV we're on. cntr GLOBAL 0 cntr = ; Reset spotstates. 0 1 SETSPOTSTATE 0 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 0 2 SETSPOTSTATE 0 2 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 0 3 SETSPOTSTATE 0 3 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 0 4 SETSPOTSTATE 0 4 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL ; Set inital position of user. 260 254 SETPOS ; Tell user how to get instructions. "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + "Click on the ? for instructions." + LOCALMSG } ON LEAVE { ; Clean up room when last person leaves. { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 NAME "Tens" OUTLINE 29,70 40,70 40,86 29,86 LOC 35,78 PICTS 1,0,0 2,0,0 3,0,0 4,0,0 5,0,0 6,0,0 7,0,0 8,0,0 9,0,0 10,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 NAME "Ones" OUTLINE 45,69 58,69 58,85 45,85 LOC 52,78 PICTS 1,0,0 2,0,0 3,0,0 4,0,0 5,0,0 6,0,0 7,0,0 8,0,0 9,0,0 10,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDSPOT SPOT ID 4 NAME "Player Buttons" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 260,345 505,346 505,370 260,371 LOC 384,359 PICTS 14,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON SELECT { cntr GLOBAL MOUSEPOS y = x = ; Determine which button has been pushed, by getting the position of the mouse. ; Set the spot's state locally to indicate which button was pushed. ; Use the alarm handler to actually perform the action associated with the spot. ; Button1: Go to the beginning. { 1 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 30 ME SETALARM } 288 x > IF ; Button2: Go to the end. { 2 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 30 ME SETALARM } 288 x < 318 x > AND IF ; Button3: Single-step forward. { 3 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 30 ME SETALARM } 318 x < 348 x > AND IF ; Button4: Pause display. { 4 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + " !Paused!" + LOCALMSG } 379 x < 408 x > AND IF ; Button5: Stop display entirely. Resets display. { 0 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + "!Stopped!" + LOCALMSG 0 cntr = NAKED 0 2 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 0 3 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } 408 x < 438 x > AND IF ; Button6: Play continuously backwards. { 5 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 30 ME SETALARM } 408 x < 438 x > AND IF ; Button7: Play continuously forwards. { 6 1 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 30 ME SETALARM } 438 x < 468 x > AND IF ; Button8: Display help for player. { "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + " The instructions are in your log." + LOCALMSG "The buttons, from left to right, do the following:" LOGMSG "1. Go to the first avatar" LOGMSG "2. Go to the last avatar" LOGMSG "3. Go to next avatar" LOGMSG "4. Pause" LOGMSG "5. Stop the player and reset" LOGMSG "6. Play back through avatars." LOGMSG "7. Play forward through avatars." LOGMSG "8. Help (display this information)" LOGMSG } 468 x < IF } ON ALARM { cntr GLOBAL ; Set up the array of Avatars. The first item in the array is always [0]. ; Up to 31 Avatars can be in the array. Each Avatar can consist of up to 9 props. [ [ 958703651 958703668 958703674 ] [ 958958815 ] [ 958958805 ] [ 958958773 ] [ 958958837 ] [ 957247021 ] ] prps = ;Button1: Set to the beginning. { 1 cntr = prps cntr GET SETPROPS } 1 1 GETSPOTSTATE == IF ;Button2: Set to the end. { prps LENGTH 1 - cntr = prps cntr GET SETPROPS } 2 1 GETSPOTSTATE == IF ;Button3: Single step. Tells user if they try to go past the end. { cntr ++ { "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + "!You're at the end" + LOCALMSG prps LENGTH 1 - cntr = } prps LENGTH cntr == IF prps cntr GET SETPROPS } 3 1 GETSPOTSTATE == IF ; single step ;Button6: Display continuously backwards. Tells user if they try to go past beginning. { cntr -- { "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + "!You're at the beginning" + LOCALMSG 1 cntr = } 0 cntr >= IF prps cntr GET SETPROPS { 300 ME SETALARM } 1 cntr < IF } 5 1 GETSPOTSTATE == IF ; play back ;Button7: Displays continuously forwards. Tells user if they try to go past the end. { cntr ++ { "@" POSX ITOA + "," + POSY ITOA + "!You're at the end" + LOCALMSG prps LENGTH 1 - cntr = } prps LENGTH cntr == IF prps cntr GET SETPROPS { 300 ME SETALARM } prps LENGTH 1 - cntr > IF } 6 1 GETSPOTSTATE == IF ; play forward ;Increment or decrement counter as needed { cntr 10 / 2 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL cntr 10 % 3 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } { cntr 3 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL 0 2 SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } 9 cntr < IFELSE } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 5 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 173 OUTLINE 61,99 117,99 117,119 61,119 LOC 88,109 PICTS 15,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDDOOR DOOR ID 6 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 114 OUTLINE 384,97 439,97 439,118 384,118 LOC 412,107 PICTS 16,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC } ON ENTER { { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR ENDROOM