ROOM ID 1093 NOCYBORGS NAME "Lines n' Boxes" PICT "dots3.gif" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "greepaw.gif" TRANSCOLOR 230 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "purpbutton.gif" TRANSCOLOR 230 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 3 NAME "arrowll.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 4 NAME "arrowrr.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE SPOT ID 1 NAME "Green" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 68,36 107,35 108,73 68,73 LOC 87,54 PICTS 1,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON SELECT { { WHOME ME SETSPOTSTATE USERNAME " will play as Green." + ROOMMSG { ";ƒ00" SAY } 2 GETSPOTSTATE IF } { ME GETSPOTSTATE WHONAME " is playing Green now." + LOCALMSG } ME GETSPOTSTATE NOT IFELSE } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 410,33 449,34 450,75 410,75 LOC 429,56 PICTS 2,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON SELECT { { WHOME ME SETSPOTSTATE USERNAME " will play as Purple." + ROOMMSG { ";ƒ00" SAY } 1 GETSPOTSTATE IF } { ME GETSPOTSTATE WHONAME " is playing Purple now." + LOCALMSG } ME GETSPOTSTATE NOT IFELSE } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 4 OUTLINE 354,355 356,355 356,357 354,357 LOC 355,356 PICTS 1,0,0 2,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 160,90 362,90 362,292 160,292 LOC 256,192 SCRIPT ON ENTER { lndhrt GlOBAL hrtst GLOBAL { 1094 GOTOROOM } hrtst NOT IF "fh_write" SOUND "Script by Foxy, Graphics by Kittypaws, ©1999" STATUSMSG } ON OUTCHAT { xs GLOBAL ys GLOBAL pp GLOBAL gp GLOBAL lbt GLOBAL lndhrt GLOBAL { "[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]" xs = xs ys = "" pp = "" gp = 0 lbt = PAINTCLEAR CLEARLOOSEPROPS 0 1 SETSPOTSTATE 0 2 SETSPOTSTATE 2 4 SETSPOTSTATE } CHATSTR "reset" == ISWIZARD 1 GETSPOTSTATE WHOME == OR AND IF 1 lndhrt EXEC } ON SELECT { MOUSEPOS y = x = { y 77 - 25 / br = x 147 - 25 / bc = { ";ƒc" bc ITOA + y 90 - 25 / ITOA + SAY } { ";ƒr" br ITOA + x 160 - 25 / ITOA + SAY } br 25 * 90 + y - DUP * bc 25 * 160 + x - DUP * > IFELSE } WHOME 1 GETSPOTSTATE == WHOME 2 GETSPOTSTATE == OR IF } ON INCHAT { xs GLOBAL ys GLOBAL pp GLOBAL gp GLOBAL lbt GLOBAL lndhrt GlOBAL { [ 941583667 941583591 ] lbt 1 - GET 160 pc 25 * + 93 pr 25 * + ADDLOOSEPROP [ { gp } { pp } ] lbt 1 - GET EXEC tb = { tb pc ITOA + pr ITOA + tb = } { pc ITOA pr ITOA + tb = } tb "." GREPSTR IFELSE tb [ { gp = } { pp = } ] lbt 1 - GET EXEC 2 act = } putpiece DEF { "[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]" xs = xs ys = "" pp = "" gp = PAINTCLEAR CLEARLOOSEPROPS 2 RANDOM 1 + lbt = lbt 1 - 4 SETSPOTSTATE } CHATSTR ";ƒ00" == 1 GETSPOTSTATE WHOME == AND IF { "." ln = 0 gr = 0 pr = { { gr ++ } gp ln GREPSTR IF { pr ++ } pp ln GREPSTR IF ".." ln + ln = } { pp ln GREPSTR gp ln GREPSTR OR } WHILE "@40,40 Current score is" ROOMMSG "@200,40 Green: " gr ITOA + ROOMMSG "@350,40 Purple: " pr ITOA + ROOMMSG } CHATSTR ";ƒ01" == 1 GETSPOTSTATE WHOME == AND IF 2 lndhrt EXEC } ON LEAVE { lndhrt GLOBAL hrtst GLOBAL 0 hrtst = { } lndhrt DEF } ON ALARM { lndhrt GLOBAL 3 lndhrt EXEC } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 5 NAME "Current Score" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 12,338 148,338 148,367 12,367 LOC 89,348 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { ";ƒ01" SAY } 1 GETSPOTSTATE WHOME == 2 GETSPOTSTATE WHOME == OR IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 7 NAME "Rules" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 386,336 450,336 450,367 387,367 LOC 412,348 SCRIPT ON SELECT { "Instructions on how to play are in your log." LOCALMSG "To start, each player clicks on the purple or green buttons at the top of the screen." LOGMSG "Who goes first is random." LOGMSG "The current player button shows whose turn it is." LOGMSG "Players take turns clicking on the grid to draw lines." LOGMSG "If a player completes a square when they click, they get a point and another turn." LOGMSG "If the board is messed up, the green player can say redraw to redraw it-- USE SPARINGLY!" LOGMSG "Either the green player or a wizard can say reset to clear the board for a new game." LOGMSG "Either player can get the current score by clicking on the current score button." LOGMSG "Player with most boxes at the end of the game wins." LOGMSG { "In wizard mode, say the word refresh to put on the props." LOGMSG } ISWIZARD IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 8 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 191 OUTLINE 4,354 62,354 62,380 4,380 LOC 33,366 PICTS 3,0,0 ENDPICTS ENDDOOR DOOR ID 9 DONTMOVEHERE DEST 12441 OUTLINE 448,354 508,354 508,379 448,379 LOC 480,368 PICTS 4,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC } ON ENTER { { CLEARLOOSEPROPS PAINTCLEAR } NBRROOMUSERS 2 < IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR ENDROOM