ROOM ID 1000 PRIVATE NOPAINTING NOCYBORGS NAME "Paintball Armory" PICT "pbarmory2.gif" SPOT ID 1 NAME "red team" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 100,110 146,110 146,151 100,151 LOC 123,135 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team bls ] FOREACH { 100 bls = 1 team = [ 1056608525 ] SETPROPS } team NOT IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 NAME "blue team" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 177,110 221,110 221,149 177,149 LOC 199,133 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team bls ] FOREACH { 100 bls = 2 team = [ -1284536128 ] SETPROPS } team NOT IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 4 NAME "Machine Gun - 100 Points" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 258,172 388,172 388,187 258,187 LOC 323,172 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team bls ngt ] FOREACH { 1 ngt = 100 bls -= "You now have " bls ITOA & " points." & STATUSMSG } team ngt NOT AND bls 99 > AND IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 5 NAME "Shotgun-- 50 Points" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 260,153 365,153 365,168 260,168 LOC 310,153 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team tst bls ] FOREACH { 50 bls -= 1 tst = "You have " bls ITOA & " points." & STATUSMSG } team tst NOT AND bls 49 > AND IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT DOOR ID 7 NAME "Enter Arena" DEST 109 OUTLINE 4,140 62,145 62,314 4,377 LOC 41,286 SCRIPT ON SELECT { base GLOBAL base 1 + ent1 = base 2 + ent2 = base 3 + ent3 = base 4 + ent4 = [ ent1 ent2 ent3 ent4 ] 4 RANDOM GET GOTOROOM } ENDSCRIPT ENDDOOR SPOT ID 9 NAME "3-pack of Shields-- 18 points" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 260,130 404,129 404,145 259,145 LOC 332,130 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team mxi bls ] FOREACH { 18 bls -= 3 mxi += "You have " bls ITOA & " points." & STATUSMSG } team mxi NOT AND bls 17 > AND IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 6 NAME "5-pack of Ammo-- 15 points" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 259,111 397,111 397,126 261,126 LOC 329,113 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team sts bls ] FOREACH { 15 bls -= 50 sts += "You have " bls ITOA & " points." & STATUSMSG } team bls 14 > AND IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 8 NAME "Nuclear Launcher-- 250 points" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 258,194 411,194 411,208 258,208 LOC 335,195 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ team bls ken ] FOREACH { 1 ken = 250 bls -= "You now have " bls ITOA & " points." & STATUSMSG } team ken NOT AND bls 249 > AND IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 3 NAME "change team" DONTMOVEHERE OUTLINE 119,183 203,183 203,205 119,205 LOC 338,198 SCRIPT ON SELECT { { GLOBAL } [ bls ngt tst sts fon team ken mxi ] FOREACH [ bls ngt tst sts fon team ken mxi ocs fst ] glbls = { 0 glbls loop GET = loop ++ } { loop 8 < } WHILE } ON ENTER { { GLOBAL } [ ocs fst base team ] FOREACH ROOMID base = { "Welcome to paintball! Say help to get instructions in your log." LOCALMSG "@512,20 You can return to this room for supplies at any time by saying re-arm." LOCALMSG } team NOT IF { { "Say Inventory to get a list of weapons, ammo and point count in your log." LOGMSG "Say fire to shoot your gun" LOGMSG "Say hose to shoot a machine gun." LOGMSG "Say shoot to shoot a shotgun." LOGMSG "Say nuke to launch a nuclear weapon" LOGMSG "Say re-arm to return to the starting room to buy more stuff." LOGMSG "Whisper 'give -number- ammo' to give ammo to someone." LOGMSG "YOu can also give shields and points in the same way." LOGMSG } CHATSTR "help" == IF { base GLOBAL base GOTOROOM "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "re-arm" == IF { "You have " bls ITOA + " points." + LOGMSG "You have " sts ITOA + " rounds of ammo." + LOGMSG "You have " mxi ITOA + " shields." + LOGMSG { "You have a machine gun" LOGMSG } ntg IF { "You have a shotgun" LOGMSG } tst IF { "You have a nuclear launcher" LOGMSG } ken IF "" CHATSTR = } CHATSTR "inventory" == IF } ocs DEF { [ "!SPLAT!" "!SPLOT!" ] 2 team - GET fs = [ 923100285 -1284536128 ] team 1 - GET pp = { sts -- ")pop " fs + MOUSEPOS SAYAT pp MOUSEPOS 22 - SWAP 22 - SWAP ADDLOOSEPROP 0 fon = 120 ME SETALARM "" CHATSTR = } sts CHATSTR "fire" == AND IF { sts -- ")pop " fs + MOUSEPOS SAYAT pp MOUSEPOS 22 - SWAP 22 - SWAP ADDLOOSEPROP "" CHATSTR = } sts CHATSTR "hose" == AND IF { 3 sts -= MOUSEPOS y = x = { df = ")pop " fs + x df 0 GET + y df 1 GET + SAYAT pp x df 0 GET + 22 - y df 1 GET + 22 - ADDLOOSEPROP } [ [ -22 -22 ] [ 22 0 ] [ -22 22 ] ] FOREACH 0 fon = 120 ME SETALARM "" CHATSTR = } sts 2 > CHATSTR "shoot" == AND tst AND IF { 19 sts -= MOUSEPOS y = x = { df = ")pop " fs + x df 0 GET + y df 1 GET + SAYAT pp x df 0 GET + 22 - y df 1 GET + 22 - ADDLOOSEPROP } [ [ -22 -44 ] [ 0 -44 ] [ 22 -44 ] [ -33 -22 ] [ -11 -22 ] [ 11 -22 ] [ 33 -22 ] [ -44 0 ] [ -22 0 ] [ 0 0 ] [ -22 44 ] [ 0 44 ] [ 22 44 ] [ -33 22 ] [ -11 22 ] [ 11 22 ] [ 33 22 ] [ 44 0 ] [ 22 0 ] ] FOREACH 0 fon = 120 ME SETALARM "" CHATSTR = } sts 5 > CHATSTR "nuke" == AND ken AND IF } fst DEF } ON OUTCHAT { ocs GLOBAL bls GLOBAL ngt GLOBAL tst GLOBAL sts GLOBAL mxi GLOBAL ken GLOBAL { "Check your log for the instructions." LOCALMSG "Click on red or blue first to get your paint." LOGMSG "You start with 100 points, click on the ammo and weapons (prices marked) to get them." LOGMSG "Weapons are: gun ( you start with this ), " LOGMSG "machine gun ( no delay in shooting bullets ), " LOGMSG "shotgun (3 shots in your general target area ), " LOGMSG "nuclear launcher (19 shots in your target area)" LOGMSG "shields (one shield lost for every shot that hits you)" LOGMSG "and don't forget lots of ammo!" LOGMSG "If you get killed in the arena, you come back here." LOGMSG "You keep your weapons and ammo, but you must rejoin a team." LOGMSG "Once you enter the arena, saying help will get you the playing options below:" LOGMSG "" LOGMSG } CHATSTR "help" == IF ocs EXEC } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT ENDROOM